MEET THE MARTYRS: Robert Marks, Pamela Winnick, Michael Egnor

Sager, Carrie
September 2008
Reports of the National Center for Science Education;Sep-Dec2008, Vol. 28 Issue 5/6, p39
Academic Journal
The article discusses the case of engineer Robert Marks, journalist Pamela Winnick and physician Michael R. Egnor who were persecuted with dogmatic scientific issues. The administrators at Baylor University declined to host Mark's research website "Evolutionary Inforamtics Laboratory" after they discovered a connection between his work and intelligent design. Winnick published writings on intelligence design which used phrases and characterizations about evolution that derived from intelligent design. Egnor posted an essay on an intelligent design blog and discussed the irrelevance of evolution to practice medicine as well as the theory of Darwinism which exterminate the threat.

Tags: INTELLIGENT design (Teleology);  MARKS, Robert;  WINNICK, Pamela;  EGNOR, Michael R.;  INFORMATION science;  EVOLUTION (Biology);  NATURAL selection;  PUBLICATIONS;  MEDICINE


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